Susie Zol

Feb 5, 20233 min

My Big Idea Is Simply You

Hello You!

I'm so excited to share my creative coaching program with you. I previously wrote about how this idea started and today I'm sharing what it's about and what it can do for you.

I am also making you a special offer, but more on that later. First, let's explore creative coaching.

Imagine a creative coach as a guide or companion leading you back to your inner world filled with your creative process, inspiration, and flow. As your creative companion, I'll be on the journey with you as you learn to navigate and trust your creative process with an open heart.

With my gentle encouragement, you'll gain fresh perspectives on your work and return to a feeling of joy and ease in your creative process. You'll cultivate a deeper connection with your heart, soul and creative vision. I'm eager to get started helping artists just like you gain confidence, clarity and consistency in your creative practice and process.

My creative coaching program has one thing at its core:


I believe you are a unique being, complete with your own lifestyle, creative practice, and your own definitions of success and challenge.

I also believe you are a creative being. I believe in your wild imagination and insatiable curiosity. I believe in your desire to create.

I know you want to believe in yourself too but when you look inward, is your creative path blocked? Do you find yourself at odds trying to manage your creative time? Do you end up frustrated or dissatisfied with your art? Do you long to make friends with your creative process but don't know where to begin? I'd be honored to guide you as you learn to navigate this creative journey. I'd be delighted to be your companion as you discover the mysteries in your inner world, calmly approaching the unknown with confidence and rediscovering the joy and ease in your process.

My coaching program feels more like a conversation with a friend who 'get's you'. It’s time away from your passion to look at your “why”, assess your relationship with your creative process and become clear and confident about your dreams and aspirations.

I’m here to listen and guide you toward feeling settled about your creative practice and process. Together we’ll explore your unique ways of being an artist. You’ll gain deeper insight into yourself and your approach which can lead you back to the joy and ease you desire with confidence.

I offer four, weekly 60-min calls via zoom, emails with artistic projects designed by me to support your unique journey and access to me for questions and insights that might arise as you move forward.

Here's the special offer I mentioned: my standard price for this program is currently $299 but for the first 4 lucky artists who sign up, the price is only $175!

Are you that artist? I'd love to hear from you. Let's set up a call and have a quick chat. I'm ready to answer any questions you have. Here's the link to my email to get you started;

Once you're ready I'll send you an invoice for payment. We'll set up a schedule that fits your lifestyle and I'll send you my creative coaching workbook titled, Simply You. In it, you'll find lots of juicy questions designed to be answered at a slow pace. You'll want to take your time and listen for your authentic answers.

You'll reflect on your past, explore where you are now and visualize where you want to be. I'll get to know you a bit through your answers, you'll get to know yourself and I think that's simply the best place to start. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

In gratitude,
